Saintly Horror Thriller Gray Dawn Reappears with Q2 2018 Release

Gray Dawn

In 2015 I reported on Gray Dawn, a new horror thriller that follows a priest suspected of the murder of one of his altar boys. The developers went silent for quite some time, but recently they’ve announced that the game is set for release in Q2 2018 — that could be within the coming weeks!

The game follows priest, Father Abraham, who attempted an exorcism on an altar boy after he displayed signs of possession, but he ritual failed and the boy disappeared. In his quest to prove his innocence, Father Abraham searches for answers. The game is said to take place within Gothic-inspired Eastern European locales, feature puzzles, and most likely offer scares aplenty. Ritalin won’t solve that kid’s problems. God (?) also seems to be pretty upset in that trailer.

Keep a look out for Gray Dawn‘s Windows PC release sometime soonish.

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