Rumor: Possible Black Hound Reference In Metal Gear Solid 5

To start off with, this needs to be taken with a grain of salt the size of the moon, but it’s worth mentioning just in case something becomes of all this hubbub.

Reddit user u/FRANKOH_ found a recruitable soldier in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain with the name Black Hound, which is also the name of a new game being teased on the website The site is remarkable due to a number of things pointing to it possibly being a teaser site for Hideo Kojima’s next game. While I’m not willing to hold my breath on this, it is at least lent a small amount of credibility due to the website’s inception date being from prior Kojima and Konami’s fallout going public.

To be perfectly honest, this is probably just a coincidence, there are literally hundreds of possible names for these soldiers, and they’re just combinations of words. Some don’t even make sense (Looking at you, Death Platypus). We will find out for sure, presumably, when the website’s countdown timer reaches its deadline this Friday.

Update: Welp, the countdown timer on the Black Hound site ended, and surprise, it was all a hoax. A minute or so after the timer ended, the website changed to an image of some trees with accompanying rain and wildlife sound effects. The text changed to “There was a countdown here, it’s gone now”, and when clicking the text you where sent to a Rooster Teeth video from early today parodying donation videos. I doubt Rooster Teeth had anything to do with this, since pranks have never really been their thing, and the wave of backlash it’s getting is exactly the sort of thing I doubt Rooster Teeth wants just weeks before their first feature film, Lazer Team, debuts. All in all, a giant waste of everyone’s time that honestly isn’t worth even an official news post. Screw ’em.


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