Rumor: Microsoft gunning for Silent Hill IP ahead of E3 (Update: Phil Spencer says no)

Update: Xbox head, Phil Spencer, has just confirmed via Twitter that this is false. You can check out the tweet here.

Original Post: Well here’s a crazy rumor that would shatter the world as we know it if true. Microsoft is reportedly in talks to purchase Silent Hills from Konami in order to get exclusive rights to put the game on the Xbox One. I know, this sounds craaaazy, but the rumor comes from a trusted source of Rooster Teeth. The latest episode of The Know states that they have been informed by their source that Konami is trying to secure the rights to Silent Hills as an exclusive ahead of their E3 conference in just a few short weeks. Allegedly, Silent Hills is 80% complete (huh?) and will release in March 2016. Microsoft is reportedly pursuing the IP for a cost in the billions. Oh, and P.T. being taken down from PSN was supposedly Konami’s show of good faith to Microsoft.

Now, just as The Know guys say, take this with a grain of salt. Perhaps a lake’s worth. Microsoft gunning after the Silent Hill IP makes a lot of sense given how universally popular P.T. was and how universally upset everyone got when Silent Hills was cancelled. But Silent Hills already being 80% complete despite Kojima Productions working on getting Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain out the door? That’s hard to believe. And if Microsoft makes Silent Hills, is it going to be the same Del Toro-Kojima production that was originally announced? Or will it be a big budget title with the same name but different team? Or, and let’s get overly hopeful with this one, is Microsoft in talks with Konami for the rights and Del Toro and Kojima for development? Both are in a position to take on work outside of Konami…

What do you think? Is Microsoft the green savior you wanted? Miffed about Silent Hills maybe being exclusive on the Xbox One? Or are you just tired of your heart strings being pulled? I can’t feel anything anymore regarding all of this, so let me know how you feel!

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