Resident Evil Revelations 2 gets a Barry-centric trailer, release dates

Capcom has released a new trailer featuring the Resident Evil universe’s most protective father for Resident Evil: Revelations 2. In true Resident Evil fashion, the guy looks absolutely nothing like he did when we first met him in the original game. A significant amount of time has passed since we last saw him (Resident Evil 5 skins don’t count) though, and time does terrible things to people. Plus he’s a dad of a teenager, so he’s got that stress, too.

Additionally, pretty much none of the characters look like their blocky old selves now.

Barry definitely gives off the I’m too old for this shit vibe that you’d expect from someone who is probably too old for this shit.  I love him already.  I am significantly less enthusiastic about the little girl character that Barry meets named Natalia, who has “special powers” that allow her to sense enemies and hidden items.

With the new trailer, Capcom has also released some more information about release dates and other goodies, including RAID Mode characters and costumes and bonus episodes. PlayStation owners in North America get the upper hand when it comes to release dates, as the all of the episodes release one day before they do in other territories or on Xbox Live or Steam.  Each title will be $5.99.

Episode 1 – February 17
Episode 2 – February 24
Episode 3 – March 3
Episode 4 – March 10

The Complete Season (i.e.: all of them) will be available for $24.99 and will include:

  • all four main episodes
  • two additional spin-off episodes that focus on telling the side stories of each of the two new Resident Evil characters: Moira Burton and Natalia Korda*
  • Additional RAID mode character: HUNK*

The full retail boxed set will be available across North America on March 10 and in Europe on March 13, and will feature all of the Complete Season content, plus….

  • Additional RAID mode character: Albert Wesker (…huh?)*
  • RAID mode Throwback Stage Pack featuring four stages from recent Resident Evil titles.*

Question: why use Wesker as a RAID character?  He’s dead.  Let his smoldering hot corpse sit in that volcano forever.

Fear not!  If you don’t feel the need to purchase a boxed set, you can purchase all of the extra content as DLC.


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