Update: English language trailer added.
The four-minute introduction for Resident Evil Revelations 2 has been revealed. The trailer is in Japanese, and I personally have no idea what they are saying, but you can still see what is happening, even though there is an awful lot of talking.

The introduction starts off with a Terra Save commercial, with what looks like some of the most forced smiles in the world. Toothpicks lodged in mouths have produced more natural-looking smiles. The scene then shifts from commercial-like video to a familiar looking party scene, where we’re introduced to this game’s rendition of Claire Redfield, along with Moira Burton. A gentleman steps up to Claire and calls her away, showing what looks like a guest book. There are a few names scratched out, however some familiar names are on the page.
Things get dark at about the 3 minute mark when the party is ended rather abruptly.
Resident Evil Revelations 2 will release February 17 for Sony consoles, and February 18 for all other platforms. Let’s hope that Capcom can keep a lid on the rest of the game, so we don’t know everything about it prior to being able to play it. Seeing as how about 90% of the comments on the video’s YouTube page have to do with it, let’s hope that fan fury surrounding Claire’s appearance has also died down by then.