Celebrating Resident Evil’s 15th Anniversary, also known as ‘Biohazard’ in Japan, Capcom Japan has partnered with the Kichijoji based “EA Shooting Bar” (Not to be confused with Electronic Arts) to build this one-of-a-kind shooting bar for fans to enjoy. Luckily for us, Tokyo Scum Brigade has provided us some photos from the said Resident Evil-themed shooting bar.
Ready to dismember some limbs and blast off zombie brains? This shooting bar provides you with all the ammo and equipment you need with these true to life model guns.
This is the highlight of the bar, the shooting range. The staff will set your chosen enemy on a moving rail, and then you can set the distance and start shooting. Enemies you can choose from are zombies, the garrador, the chainsaw majini, executioner majini, a ganado, a hunter or the tyrant.
Decided to take a break and relax? Choose your own poison with a twist of your favorite herb, red, yellow, green or blue.
The bar is even complete with nostalgic Resident Evil advertisement. Remember Adravil and Safsprin?
Feeling hungry? Why not try their ‘Itchy Tasty Brain’! But wait, where is my Jill Sandwich!??
You can view the rest of the photos at Tokyo Scum Brigade.