The HD release of Resident Evil Revelations is just a couple of weeks away. Pretty soon, an even bigger audience will be able to experience one of the finest 3DS games, with upgraded visuals and extra features.
You can debate about graphics all you want, but out of all the upcoming versions of the game, I’m really looking forward to the Wii U version the most.
Resident Evil Revelations on the Wii U will be a natural evolution from its former 3DS version. You’ll still be getting that dual-screen experience, which is something that the other consoles can’t offer. Granted, not everyone has a Wii U, nor is the console that much of an attractive buy at this point in time (thanks to a lack of games), but the Wii U version of the game will be the most faithful. You need not look any further than the Wii U trailer for the game below. I’m going to have way too much fun with those Miiverse options!