Someone please tell me what’s going on. I know the films have deviated quite significantly from the game’s plot after Afterlife, but what?
Is Alice being controlled by Umbrella yet again? Did no one actually die in the first film? Did any of the previous films actually happen? Was Afterlife the only real experience for Alice and everything else a simulation in yet another Umbrella test? Why are the Lickers so big? Is Jill going to do some backflips? Why is Ada wearing a dress all the time? How are the real people entering the simulation? Where did Leon come from? Do any of the character’s costumes help them fight better? Does Michelle Rodriguez ever age? Are those Nazi zombies? Are they even zombies? Does Alice still have her abilities? Where’s Claire? Where’s Chris? Wasn’t that guy cut up by lasers? How much slow-mo screen time are Leon’s bangs getting?
I’m lost.