Today Capcom kicked things off with their Pre-TGS press conference, and who would’ve thought that it would stir up the community like it has. What am I talking about? Three letters: D-M-C. Regardless of the mixed feelings this reveal has been getting, one can’t help but wonder what the fourth game is on Capcom’s slate. As we all know it was stated how Capcom has 4 new game announcements to make and characters to reveal for their upcoming cross-over fighter Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. We already got 3 of those proposed 4 new titles announced: Asura’s Wrath, Dead Rising 2 Case West, and DMC. What could the 4th title be? (4th survivor?)
It’s strongly rumored that it may be a Resident Evil title. And with Microsoft’s TGS presser starting in a couple of hours, could it be announced then? If so, then this coincides with Capcom’s intentions of bringing a hardcore franchise outing exclusively to Microsoft’s Kinect peripheral. Or, perhaps, it could be Resident Evil 6. Hell, we might just get information overload on what Resident Evil Portable has become. I don’t want to say it’s going to be one of these over the other , but I have a very strong feeling that we’re going to be hearing something Resident Evil-related very soon.