Capcom has just released the latest trailer for Resident Evil 6. As expected, it’s frantic, long, loud, and shows a lot of story and gameplay–almost too much story if you ask me.
In the trailer we find out who the villain is: the US governments very own National Security Adviser. Doing the exact opposite of his job he sets forth a biological attack on the United States. Ada Wong is also outed by name as an employee of ‘New-Umbrella’ making her another enemy. As expect, Leon’s puppy-crush is still full swing and he argues with Chris about having to stop her.
Jake and Sherry also meet up with Leon and Helena, in the trailer. Together the fight that big hulking masked dude that we’ve been seeing. It’s a family reunion. Forgive me for not saying much more. Just take a look at the media below and salivate. I’ve also included the demonstration from Microsoft’s conference. My hands hurt.
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