This is it, everyone. We are exactly seven days away from one of the year’s biggest releases, and a game many Resident Evil fans have had on their radar since it’s been announced. Yup, I’m talking about Resident Evil 6.
Yeah, the demos that have been released since haven’t exactly been wholly praised by everyone. People have issues with the camera, and others have issues with the gameplay itself. I acknowledge that, but one can’t help but feel super excited now that the game is only a week away.
This looks like it’ll be the last big trailer for the game (unless Capcom decides to finally release that Gamescom trailer as the launch one!), and it shows off quite a few new snippets from the game’s story. Right from the beginning we get a very strong Resident Evil 3 vibe with Tall Oaks not looking good. It gets better from there. But I will warn you that while the spoilers here aren’t truly major, they still reveal some bits of the story. So view at your own discretion.
I. Can’t. Wait. Any. Longer.