When a game is lacking a feature that the public wants, it’s a pretty safe bet that someone out there will try their hardest to make that feature a reality. Modder FluffyQuack did just that with Resident Evil: Revelations 2, adding local co-op – a feature absent from the PC version of the game.
After a mistaken product description and a last minute edit, prospective buyers of the PC version of Resident Evil: Revelations 2 were left quite upset when it was revealed that local co-op would not be a feature in the PC version of Revelations 2. Capcom apologized for the Steam store listing that promised the feature (one available in the console versions of the game), but no official inclusion has been announced. With that, FluffyQuack created his own mod within four days of release, with his free to download Fluffy Manager.
Now all we need is for Fluffy to add online co-op into the campaign and we’ll be set.