It’s a party in this new Nemesis Mode gameplay footage from Operation Raccoon City

Earlier this week we learned that the Xbox 360 version of Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City would be met with some exclusive launch-day DLC. Said DLC is Nemesis Mode and it sounds (and looks) rather fun. We already got a new trailer showing off the mode, in which the USS and Spec Ops factions will be bumping heads to try and take control of the titular BOW, and now GameSpot has just put up some gameplay footage.

The footage shows off the warehouse level that players will be able to play this mode on– said level is also from the single player campaign and will even have an elevator that leads to a certain area from Resident Evil 3. Spec Ops soldier Party Girl is having quite a good time here, but so is Nemmy! (Poor guy is struggling though, with two teams trying to fight over him!)

You can check out the footage below. How do you feel about this being exclusive to the 360?

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