Final Spec Ops missions now available for Operation Raccoon City

It’s time to conclude the Spec Ops’ journey through the hell on Earth that is Raccoon City. With the release of Echo Six Expansion Pack 2 you’ll be able to experience the final three missions in Operation Raccoon City’s Spec Ops campaign. And said expansion is available now on Xbox Live for 800 msp and PSN for $9.99.

The final (for now) add-on will take players through a secret Umbrella lab, the hospital, the dead factory, all coming to a head in a “desperate fight for safe extraction from the city via rescue helicopter.”  Oh, and there’s also Super Parasite Tyrants to confront. Yeah, Super…PARASITE Tyrants.

Have you completed these final missions yet? If so, what are your impressions? This coming Friday reHorror will re-turn with my review of the Spec Ops campaign. Stay tuned.

And yeah…there’s a reason why I chose this particular header image!

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