Oh, what a wonderful day for a leak. While we absolutely loved Resident Evil 4 VR, one of our very few negatives was the lack of bonus content — especially the loss of The Mercenaries, Resident Evil 4‘s classic score-attack horde mode. Thanks to an accidental early post by Oculus’ YouTube channel, it’s been revealed that The Mercenaries will be added to Resident Evil 4 VR next year with a free update. While the original video was taken down pretty quickly, our friends over at BioHazard Declassified snapped it up and shared it on their own channel:

The new trailer doesn’t show any footage of The Mercenaries in action, but the prospect is extremely exciting for a number of reasons. First of all, Mercs is fun as shit and with the added flexibility offered by the VR gameplay, it very well could become one of the best versions of this mode ever. Second, Mercenaries offers a set of new playable characters; HUNK, Ada, Krauser, and Wesker, all with their own special weapon load-outs and melee attacks (not to mention rad music). From Krauser’s insane mutant arm attack to HUNK’s instakill Neckbreaker attack, it’s stupendously fun and I can only imagine how VR will open up this experience into something even more wild and exciting.
No release date has been revealed yet (technically the entire thing isn’t meant to be revealed yet) other than a 2022 launch date. The important thing here is that it’ll be a free update, which is a price I’m always willing to pay. It’ll be interesting to see if this might lead to more of Resident Evil 4’s bonus modes being added, as the Ada-specific story modes Assignment Ada and Separate Ways are still waiting on the sidelines. We’ll just have to wait and see.