Resident Evil 3.5 Lives… Through A Fan Made Demo

Oh wow, official or not this is amazing.

As many of you may already know, Resident Evil 4 (much like RE2 before it) went through an incredibly difficult development cycle. Publically, we know of at least four different versions that were being developed before they finally settled on the version we got (which was for the best as RE4, of course, went on to become industry-defining and winning dozens of GOTY awards for 2005), but there’s always been one version that we never got to play – that fans kinda wish we’d gotten to.

Resident Evil 3.5 as its popularly referred to (or the Hooked Man Demo) is one of the creepiest things ever done for the series. I talked about it at length in my Cancelled Horror Games That Aren’t Silent Hills video, and I definitely wish that (even with RE7 looking amazing) we’d been able to get some of the more horror-centric ideas in a real RE game. Just look at it in all its disturbing glory. The dolls especially freak me out.

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I’m for sure not the only one, and now a fan named ShiguWorks has gone and done something about it. Called Code: Madman, this fan-made game is based on what we knew of the canceled RE3.5, and there’s even a demo of it that you can download and play right now on PC. The full “game” will be out eventually, although who knows how long it will be exactly. Using assets from games like RE5: Lost in Nightmares, and the final RE4, It looks super creepy, and captures the spirit of the trailers for the original well. It should be stressed that this is not the real Resident Evil 3.5, and Capcom had nothing at all to do with this. It is simply a fan recreation of what that canceled game might have been like. I’m happy enough with that. You can download the demo here, and here’s some video of what the recreation looks like:

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