Ready at Dawn’s creative director Ru Weerasuriya has indicated a possible future for The Order: 1886. It’s unclear whether that means a sequel, but this isn’t the first time Weerasuriya has mentioned additional storylines within the IP. In an interview with last year, he said, “The first game was more than anything a launch platform to build upon. The Order was never written as a one-off story. There is a lot more to tell as you can see from the way the game ends.”
In a new interview with Game Informer, Weerasuriya expanded on those thoughts. “The best way to answer that without giving anything… how can I say this… Is there a future? Yes. That IP has a future. It’s definitely built in that IP,” said Weerasuriya.
“That future is already something that was built from the very get-go, from the first day we started working on it. As you know, since you played the game and for the ones who played out there… there is a larger storyline. There is a macro story that keeps going, it’s an IP that is actually bigger than the storylines that we have created. So there are legs to this IP, definitely.”
The Order: 1886 was plagued by controversy after its release last year and received mixed reviews (including our own) citing its short length compared to its price as well as its perceived emphasis on style over substance. If Ready at Dawn decides to use The Order: 1886 as a “launch platform to build upon,” then that could mean a more polished new game in The Order‘s compelling world. If a future for the franchise does exist, though, it remains as hazy as the game’s London streets.