RE2 Remake: Launch Trailer Arrives with First Look at Ghost Survivors

It’s the final stretch, folks! RE2 Remake is now days away (less than 72 hours!) and the hype train does not stop! Capcom has just released their final pre-launch trailer for the game, which showcases first looks at G-stage-3, and what looks like the Super Tyrant! We also get to see a very brief look at the stars of the free post-launch DLC The Ghost Survivors, which stars Robert Kendo, Kathrine Warren (shown alive for the very first time in the entire series!) and the as-of-yet unnamed USS soldier. I was hoping they would turn out to be Goblin 6, a minor character from Umbrella Chronicles, but they appear to be male so oh well. We still don’t know all that much officially, but according to our old friend Dusk Golem there will be some sort of story, and include an enemy not in the main game (heeyy Spider fan maybe you’re getting them after all!). I’m still super hyped we’re getting more regardless of who we’re playing as.

If you aren’t hyped enough already for RE2 Remake, make sure to check out my review of the game! You might be surprised just how strongly I feel about it! Again, RE2 Remake launches in just under three days, hitting Xbox One, PS4, and Steam this Friday!

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