News about Id’s DOOM Eternal is pouring out of QuakeCon 2018, and I’m liking what I’m hearing.
PCGamesN reports that the sequel to the 2016 DOOM reboot will have a revamped focus and alterations to its game modes. For starters, expect DOOM Eternal to receive singleplayer DLC that continues the story past the game’s main events. In a roundtable interview at QuakeCon, director Marty Stratton stated that campaign content was what fans asked for, so they’re going to oblige. “One of the big criticisms – and even if I could go back and do it again – I think we’d do campaign DLC after launch. People really wanted that. They wanted stuff created by us,” said director Marty Stratton.
Now for the caveat: there are no plans to bring back DOOM‘s custom level editor, SnapMap. Personally speaking, SnapMap was a cool idea, but it wasn’t a selling point. Full mod tools not tied to Bethesda’s online platform would have likely led to more interesting user-created content. More post-release story content in exchange for SnapMap is cool by me.
As for multiplayer, Id is taking matters into their own hands after the tepid response to DOOM 2016’s (arguably) lackluster competitive multiplayer mode. PvP will come in two forms. Invasion will allow players to jump into other players’ singleplayer games as a demon to ramp up the difficulty. Think Resident Evil 6‘s Agent Hunt mode but likely far, far less clunky. Competitive multiplayer also returns, though this time it will be developed in-house by Id; sweet.