Project Zero II: Wii Edition Europe trailer, developer vlog, & release date

Due to many of our writers being busy the last month we’re reporting on this one a couple weeks late. The Fatal Frame 2 (Project Zero II): Crimson Butterfly Wii remake has received an official Europe release date of June 29th, 2012; only a day after the Japanese version. Alongside this announcement is an official English trailer. The footage is the same as the opening trailer we showed a few weeks back, but with an English dub over. With an English accent, we might add. While an American release is still not confirmed, like Xenoblade and The Last Story before it, it is likely if (and when) it comes overseas the English accent dub will remain the same in the American version.

Along with the new English trailer, a developer blog with a certain famous Nintendo person has also surfaced that talks about both the game, as well as the 3DS spin-off, Spirit Photo.

We’ll continue to bring you news on the game as it develops.

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