Project Sense doubles Kickstarter goal

With two weeks to go, an upcoming 2.5 horror game called Project Sense has already doubled their Kickstarter goal of $10,000. This has allowed them to reach their stretch goals of extra languages along with PS4 and PSVita versions. At the time of writing this article, they’re easily on their way to reaching a Nintendo Switch port as well. Future goals include voice acting, additional story DLC, and more.

The self-described “Cyberpunk Ghost story” borrows heavily from both the spooky survival aspects of the Clock Tower series as well as the futuristic cyborg fanservice of the Ghost in the Shell franchise. Exploring an “abandoned” apartment complex in 2083, your protagonist will encounter digitized ghosts that will try and harm you and the only means of circumventing them are your own wits. Taking aspects from the Fatal Frame games as well, you can take photos of various ghosts in order to reveal secret plot elements.

The developer is still in discussion on whether a physical release will be planned, and they’ve made clear it made not be possible (especially regarding the Vita version). In any case, the game plans to be $20 when it releases, which is also the same price you back it on Kickstarter with. A short alpha demo for both PC and Mac can be downloaded from their page.

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