I really do miss the late 6th, early 7th generation era of the first person shooter horror game.
That isn’t to say that first person horror games stopped existing, steam seems to be flooded with horror games set behind the eyes of some hapless, and helpless, survivor. But the area of first person shooter horror games was more or less dead for years. You know the ones, Prey, Condemned, F.E.A.R., Doom 3. Lucky for me, it seems like this particular genre is making a comeback as of late. Resident Evil 7, the reboot of Prey, and now this- Phantaruk, an all-new sci-fi horror game from Polyslash, a polish game studio made up of experienced developers.
Announced via a dark and moody looking trailer, Phantaruk looks to be bringing back some of that old-school, Doom 3 style of horror, with maybe a dash of Dead Space. Dark hallways, gory demises, and holographic readouts galore, I’m very interested to see where this title is heading. It arrives this August on PC, which is kind of impressive considering we hadn’t heard of this title before. We’ll be getting our hands on a preview soon, so we’ll let you know our first impressions asap.
They’re also holding a contest where the winner will get their face put on an in-game access key-card. I always dig stuff like this, especially because, once they’re in the game, they’re in the game forever. People still find that secret Ruppee room in Zelda: A Link to the Past, and then there’s just goofy stuff like actually being a sort-of boss in 2013’s Deadpool. It’s cool. If you’re interested, you can read all about it here.