One of my favorite things about gaming in October is how so many games include special events for the Halloween Season. Overwatch made a pretty big splash with its first Halloween Terror event back in 2016, including the fun (but super challenging) Dr. Junkenstien’s Revenge mode as well as easily some of the best costumes in the game. Last years’ (at least in my opinion) was a little lackluster, with the only real standout costumes being Cthulu Zenyatta and Dragon Symmetra. This year they’re getting back into the swing of things, and I have to say I really like this year’s costume selection for the most part.
![YouTube video](
Fans have already fallen in love with Slasher 76, and I dig giving Sombra a Bride of Frankenstein look (I’ve seen people complain that she isn’t a good match for Roadhog’s Monster costume but… have y’all seen the movie?). We’ve also got a number of new voice lines, sprays, and highlight animations. There’s also a “new” Arcade map for the free-for-all mode, that reskins Château Guillard as a haunted mansion, complete with cobwebs, floating candles, and a nighttime re-light. It’s super charming in a kid’s Halloween party kind of way.
You can check me and my friends out playing the very first Halloween Terror below, and of course, if you already own Overwatch the event is entirely free until Halloween.
![YouTube video](