Our Darker Purpose receives trailer for dark purposes

Dark Purpose

Top-down perspective, roguelike gameplay, Tim Burton-esque art-style… the action-RPG Our Dark Purpose already had everything on the indie game checklist and now it also has a fancy, new trailer!

Those of you who haven’t seen the game before, it’s a lot like The Binding of Isaac, but with a number of RPG elements and a really creepy orphanage, as opposed to a slightly creepy basement. It recently became a small Kickstarter success, raising a nice total of $42,256 and it’s doing pretty well on Steam Greenlight, though it could still use some votes.

The new trailer shows off some of the progress the designers have made and I admit that it looks pretty neat. Compared to Isaac, the action seems to be a lot busier, even during regular encounters. Shadows also seem to be a lot more present and occasionally capable of influencing the gameplay, which is a nice touch.

YouTube video


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