Open Beta For New Zombie MMO, Romero’s Aftermath Released

If you’re into zombies, chances are pretty good you’re a fan of George A. Romero’s groundbreaking Dead franchise. Starting in 1968, the tale of the living dead has grown and adapted to each generation and tells one of the most famous and influential zombie tales around. The franchise is no stranger to video games, with City of the DeadLand of the Dead: Road to Fiddler’s Green (a teenage favorite of mine) and more, and Romero himself wrote and directed a live action trailer for Resident Evil 2, and even wrote a (rejected) script for the feature film. But since then the famous writer/director has stepped back to let his son, George C. Romero, step behind the camera. C. Romero already has a new film, Origins of the Dead lined up. But before that, we’re getting something a little more in line with our gaming interests.

Free Reign Entertainment’s (War Z…. ehhhhhhhhhhh) Romero’s Aftermath (regrettably not titled Aftermath of the Dead) has just released as a free open beta that’s available to download for PC on the game’s website and Steam. Featuring a wide, open world and survival horror MMO gameplay, Aftermath looks to be aiming to go head to head with Day Z. Talking about the experience, Romero said:

I’ve long been a fan of survival horror games and when I had the opportunity to collaborate on Aftermath, I jumped at the chance to bring my experience working on horror films into a new medium. Free Reign has built a great title that I think players are going to love, whether they’re new to the survival horror genre or a huge fan like myself.

We certainly hope so, although the trailer gives me a few doubts and I’m not sure about the Deus Ex inspired music. But in the meantime, the game’s open beta is absolutely free (the developer’s even called it Free To Win, which is a very welcome term in this day and age) so you can try it out for yourself and see if my reservations are founded.


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