Original Resident Evil Now Available on GOG

Original Resident Evil Now Available on GOG

The classic 1997 PC version of Resident Evil is now available on GOG. Fans can now play this iconic survival horror game on modern systems, thanks to GOG’s updated release.

The GOG version is based on the original 1997 PC port, not the later GameCube remake. It is priced at $9.99. The game includes modern improvements like new rendering options, better cutscene timing, and an updated DirectX renderer. It also supports modern controllers, including Xbox Series and DualSense.

GOG also announced that Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 will be available later this year. Fans can buy all three games in a bundle for $24.99. The upcoming releases of RE2 and 3 will include similar updates and optimizations for modern PCs.

RE2 will come with the original US and Japanese versions and will unlock the 4th Survivor and Tofu modes from the start. RE3 will include the Mercenaries Mode. These features will provide players with additional content and challenges.

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