There was a time not that long ago when full-motion video games were the rage. It was so high tech to see not animated characters, but real people on your screen, doing all the stuff (and more) that real people do. Night Trap was the first full FMV game, and a horror title no less. The game was so controversial, it triggered a Senate investigation regarding media violence.
…it’s also has a really hokey 80s slasher flick vibe to it and is pretty tame by today’s standards.
Night Trap LLC wants to bring Night Trap back to gamers and have launched a Kickstarter campaign to help not only fund it, but to test the waters to see if people are really interested in it.
A group of teens has arrived at the isolated Martin home for a weekend of fun and partying. But at a house where the sinister hosts possess strange powers, a creepy neighbour has invented a deadly laser weapon, and blood-sucking creatures stalk the hallways, it’s no surprise that good cheer quickly turns to fear. Fortunately for the girls, the heroic agents of the Special Control Attack Team (S.C.A.T.) are on the job! As a crack S.C.A.T. operative with a security camera guided view of all the action, it’s your job to trigger the traps planted throughout the house and imprison the evil Augers before they can suck the blood of their innocent victims.
Because there are vampires…
The heads of the project admit that Night Trap would have been more at home in today’s casual market, because the game is more interactive television than an “intense and-testosterone dependent twitch-factor titles.” That may give you an idea about what kind of game they have in mind.
Did you ever play Night Trap? Would you be interested in seeing it in HD? Or again at all?
I’d like to think that Game Grumps had a hand in this…