Next Killing Floor 2 map set in Italian catacombs

Tripwire Interactive is prepping the next map update to Killing Floor 2, and in a true next-scary-themed-place pattern, it’s a creepy crypt. Set in an Italian city, the next map for Killing Floor 2 will take players (and zeds) underground as they navigate caves, catacombs and sewers. Aptly named “Catacombs”, the map will be quiet dark and filled with skeletons and whatnot. Just think, this area went from being a place where loved ones mourned the dead to a tourist destination and, ultimately, an arena where mutated monsters decided to cause trouble. I don’t know what these games are about; that was Zack’s job!

Tripwire says that Catacombs will offer a different playstyle as all of its light sources can be destroyed, rendering the catacombs darker and ostensibly scarier. They’re also hinting that “something lurks below” within the map. A new boss? I guess we’ll find out whenever this map hits.

It’s been a while since I played Killing Floor 2, so the prospect of shooting monsters in a muzzle-flash lit crypt sounds fun.

[Source, via Destructoid]

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