When Wolfenstein: The New Order was first announced, many people criticized it because it looked like another by-the-numbers first-person shooter that takes after Call of Duty. Bethesda just released a video, however, that proves there is more to this new installment than fighting giant robots and shooting Nazi soldiers.
In this video BJ Blazkowicz serves coffee to two of the game’s villains and is asked to participate in a little test that determines if he is Aryan enough or not. The first thing that struck was that I didn’t even notice they were speaking German or that there were subtitles until the very end of the video, so that’s a sign of good voice-acting. I am also interested in seeing if there will be more scenes like this and if they change the main gameplay depending on what you do in these segments.
Would you like to see more of this yourself or would you prefer it if the game featured more action?