The Walking Dead franchise can now add another video game genre to the series’ repertoire, as developer Survios (of Raw Data fame) just announced The Walking Dead: Onslaught, a brand new VR game. This is a different Walking Dead game than the preexisting episodic adventure games from Telltale, and also separate from the two different Walking Dead-branded first-person shooters.
There is no gameplay footage for Onslaught currently available, but the game’s Steam page lists several details about what players can expect. First, the game can be played seated or standing, and players will assume the role of one of the TV show’s cast members. The entire premise is based on fending off hordes of walkers (presumably in the diner shown in the trailer), hence the name ‘Onslaught’.
The rest of the store page currently emphasizes Onslaught‘s unique combat physics, highlighting the various ways in which zombies will react to being attacked. Also featured is the ability to dismember the undead in various ways. Among the provided details, the context-dependent physics are the most intriguing to me, namely, the additional resistance players will feel upon attempting to pull an impaled weapon out of a zombie body. The store page also suggests that there will be some kind of ‘grappling mechanic’ in which players will have to push off clingy walkers.
Of course, we need to see gameplay to know if this game will live up to the promises (especially considering the disappointment of TWD’s most recent release). If done right, I could see the ragdoll physics alone making the experience interesting enough to be worth a look.
Current plans are for the game to release this Fall. In the meantime, you can check out the Steam store page here. You can also check out the announcement trailer below.