New Umbrella Corps. Trailer Invokes The Past

Sigh. Another trailer for Capcom’s new competitive multiplayer shooter set in the Resident Evil universe, Umbrella Corps has dropped. It’s trying very, very hard to capture some classic game nostalgia.

Opening with a black and white clip from the Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles version of Code: Veronica, we’re treated to some spooky feels as the song that Alexia /Alfred sings warbles up from the darkness of our memories. We then get treated to what I can only assume is the modern-day husk of the recreated Spencer Mansion in Antarctica, a little worse for wear after the events of Wesker’s attack on the arctic base all those years ago. Snow pours in from gaping holes in the ceiling, and the map appears to expand to several other areas from Code: Veronica as well.

Again, I’m so desperate for an actually good RE shooter. I don’t want the numbered games to devolve into that, by no means; if I have to make a choice, I want RE to stay the slow horror driven creepfest of old, complete with static camera angles and low ammo. But I don’t mind (and actually love) the idea of there being a separate, action driven spin-off. I love the idea of being able to run around classic RE locals as my favorite RE heroes with my friends, no story or anything. I was hoping Operation Raccoon would fill that void for me, but sadly, that was a pretty awful experience. Sadly, despite some hard-core nostalgia and a few clever ideas (the shutter doors are still a pretty cool concept), the game still looks bewilderingly janky, with the silly sliding/crawling animation still sticking out even in this new trailer and unremarkable looking shooting.

We’ll give our full thoughts on Umbrella Corps when it releases on PS4 and PC in June, but until then, we’re not holding our breath here at Rely.

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