New Shin Godzilla action experience rises out of Bandai Namco’s VR Zone

After a very brief (literally two minute) appearance in PSVR, Shin Godzilla is returning to virtual reality headsets with the help of the HTC Vive Pro in the simply titled, Godzilla VR. Instead of being a stationary civilian like in the PSVR download, this game will actually put you into the cockpit of a helicopter with the mission to bring the big bad kaiju down. Along with the newer headset, attendees are also armed with two flight sticks to move around and dodge the monster’s multiple laser-based attacks. As the city burns to the ground, time will pass into the familiar red hue seen in the film.

Godzilla VR is currently going to be exclusive to Bandai Namco’s VR Zone, a series of arcade-like areas in Japan, and specifically its brand new Osaka branch. This is a ticketed attraction that will open on August 23rd. A 15 second teaser is below of the game in motion along with a scared participant.

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