New Saints Row IV expansion takes us to the depths of hell


Though Saints Row IV isn’t a game we’d ordinarily shine our spooky flashlights on, its next expansion will pit players against the most evil of them all, Satan himself.  Via PolygonSaints Row: Gat Out of Hell starts with the titular Saints getting pulled into hell by way of Ouija board. Demons shall be fought as players step into the shoes of Johnny Gat and Kinzie Kensington for some two-player online co-op. Hell will be about half the size of Steelport, and I’m hoping that means it will be an all new area and not a re-skin. There will be new apocalypse-themed weaponry such as the Arm Chairmageddon, Locust gun, and a gun that shoots plague frogs. I can dig it.

The content is standalone so a copy of Saints Row IV is not required. Gat Out of Hell cost you $20 and will be released on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox 360 and Xbox One on Jan. 27, 2015.

Here’s some screenshots and the launch trailer for ya:


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