New Resident Evil 7 Videos Reveal Healing and More Combat

Looks like I was way off on the timeframe these videos were going to be released in (I had speculated that there would be about a four-day gap between each set of these World Of RE7 videos, but it’s been almost a week now).

Regardless, it’s super awesome to get some more footage from the game, even if it’s only an accumulative 82 seconds. The first video, Volume 5: Survival, is probably the one I find the most interesting of the two, since it actually showcases some things that are completely new to us, as well as a good, up-close look at the new ECG iWatch thing. The YouTube description reads “Green herbs become even more potent with a new ingredient.”

Right away I’m sure you can see that this game is indeed bringing back the red, blotchy thing from the Revelations titles, and I guess it makes sense. It is a first-person game after all, and regardless of the ECG watch, it’d suck to just have no idea what our status was without checking it. You can also clearly make out that we’re equipped with a handgun, and above the green herb Ethan picks up, there’s a box of shotgun shells. There’s also two wooden boxes to the left, but since they don’t have the tape around them, they might not contain anything.

Picking up the herb and opening up his inventory, we’re greeted to RE7‘s full inventory screen for the first time, including the inventory slots themselves, but also the ECG read-out (displaying Danger), “combine” menu, and objective descriptions, which sound like things straight out of ye olden days of RE. “Get three dogs heads and open the door to the yard”, with the sub-objective “Get the dog’s head from the dissection room”. That sounds like it’s going to be… really, really gross, but in the best way possible. We can also see that Ethan has a folding knife, handgun, shotgun, handgun ammo, shotgun ammo, the recently acquired green herb (which we apparently eat now, given the description), and the previously mysterious chem fluid. I had speculated that it might be used as a way to increase stats of some kind, but nope. It appears to be this title’s version of Red Herbs.

I had speculated that it might be used as a way to increase stats of some kind, but nope. It appears to be this title’s version of Red Herbs. Ethan combines the green Herb with the Chem fluid, creating the bottle of green fluid we had seen in the RE Ambassador Program‘s images beforehand. Looks like this stuff is called “First Aid Med”, and only seems to heal us up about halfway (the item’s description only reads that it heals us partially, and the screen still has a few red splotches on it after Ethan uses it). Unlike previous RE game’s versions of healing (which have ranged from happening without any animation at all in the majority of the series, the deodorant sprays from RE5 and ORC, and the tic-tac pills from RE6), we now get a very Far Cry-esque animation of Ethan pouring the liquid all over his hand. We’d previously seen this in a screenshot, but seeing it in action is interesting.

The second video, Volume 6: Immortal, isn’t as interesting from an “oh, that’s how that works” angle, but it does give us some insight into how combat is likely to go down. The video’s description reads “Something’s not quite right with Jack.”, although that actually conjures up images of a very different Jack for me.

Here we see a shirtless Jack in the same hallway he busted through the wall of in the Bakers trailer. On top of being shirtless (which we’ve never seen before), Jack is also wielding some wicked looking weapon. It’s some sort of Dead Rising thing, with spikes and crap sticking out all over it. Regardless of what it is, it looks like Lucille x50. Jack has clearly beaten poor Ethan within an inch of his life (perhaps this is why he was so messed up in the previous video), and taunts him before moving in for a killing blow, “It’s over, boy”. Ethan manages to get another shot off, and we see Jack sputter and collapse in a violent death throw, blood seeping out from beneath him (another throw-back to the old days). I’m also delighted to see that Jack seems to have physical damage remain after being shot. Holes show up in his body after he’s hit.

Ethan stumbles away, showing that, on top of the red-blotch effect, we also seem to limp and move slower when in low health (why can’t I hold all this nostalgia!?). Unfortunately for him, the name of this video isn’t referring to Ethan, but Jack. We’ve seen Jack shrug off being set on fire before, and it looks like that isn’t the only trick up his sleeve. After a few seconds downtime, Jack chortles “Oh, nonononono, now you go’n get it!”, and lurches up off the floor. Jack is full on Mr. X/Nemesis mode here, and it’s terrifying to contemplate. I’m going to go out on a limb and assume he probably doesn’t get up this fast in the final game. I see the game going full old-school with this, and have us drop him, leave, and when we end up circling back, his body will be gone, back on the prowl for us. This also completely confirms speculation that the family seems to have some sort of super healing. In the previously mentioned Bakers trailer, Jack nearly chops his son Lucas’ hand off, causing the little shit to whine “God damn, old man, not again!!!”.

So, all around, fun stuff. It’s also really peaking my curiosity as to what will be showcased in the next four videos. We’ve now seen the telephones, the item box, the saving system, how the knife works, how the inventory and healing works, and how combat against Jack will go. I have no idea what they could be revealing next, but I’ll take a few guesses.

First, I’d assume we’ll be seeing combat against a non-super powered enemy, perhaps one of the “mutants” we heard tell of in the ESRB leak, and maybe even with the shotgun. Showing us something that we can actually kill, basically. I imagine showing off some more of the game’s puzzle mechanics will probably be coming up, although we have seen at least one of them in the Lantern demo. I also bet we’ll be seeing how both the Lucky Coin item works, as well as (if my assumption was correct) a look at ammo making. There’s also the flamethrower weapon, which I’m betting can be used both in combat as well as puzzle solving.

Regardless, we’ll be finding out soon enough, although who knows when. The gap between the first two videos, and the second two videos, was only about 4 days, but this gap has been 6. Fingers crossed that maybe they come in these sets, four videos across four days, and then a week, then four more videos. But there’s only four videos left, so… ugh, I want more! We’ll keep you updated with any new info we get.

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