New Resident Evil 7: Not A Hero Trailer Pits Chris Against Lucas

Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

At the PlayStation event in Paris today, we get a new new trailer for the upcoming DLC Not A Hero, which focuses entirely on that rather than splitting it up to show off End of Zoe as well. This trailer is a little faster paced than most of RE7‘s advertising, showing off Lucas’ hive of Jigsaw style traps, his mind games with Chris, and more of the action-based gameplay. We also get to see two entirely new creatures, one being the face-hugger type creature leaked months ago, and the other being something entirely new monster never before revealed in any context. I’m hoping that this hasn’t ended up spoiling a big surprise (ala RE5/6/Revelations), and that there are more beasts to look forward to, in both Not A Hero, and End of Zoe.

Not A Hero will be released for free for all RE7 players across all platforms on December 12th, as will the final paid DLC End Of Zoe and Resident Evil 7: Gold Edition, which includes all of RE7‘s content for a discount price.

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