New RE7 Details: Download Size, TV Spot

It’s the final stretch!

Just a little over a month remains until the world gets their hands on Resident Evil VII: Biohazard and the marketing machine is beginning to grind away. We’re finally getting more concrete information about the game, from the recently revealed gameplay to what I’ll be talking about today. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we get the game’s Trophy/Achievements list soon as well, as those tend to drop a few weeks prior to a game’s release. I’ll start on some hard facts that we know, and then move on to a bunch of rumor stuff that got dropped on Reddit a little while ago.

First of all, posted RE7‘s approximate download size, a whopping 19.81 GB. In contrast, the next largest download size is Resident Evil 6‘s 17.8 GB. Obviously, this is nowhere near the worst offender in terms of download sizes, as other games reach up into the 50s, 60s, and beyond in terms of Gig size. It’s also worth noting that the download size listed on Xbox One may not be the same for other platforms. PS4 will be supporting PSVR from day one, and who knows how much bigger that data could make the game, and presumably the game’s PC release will also be getting VR support somewhere down the line. Who knows. Just worth knowing, in case y’all need to make space before buying.

Next up, RE7 got an all-new TV spot that ran with this week’s Walking Dead episode on AMC. I’m not really a fan of the show, which is why I didn’t even know until people started posting it elsewhere. It’s only 30 seconds long, but the flashing imagery contains lots of new content, from some more dialogue from our main man, Ethan Winters (who sounds more and more like Phoenix Wright’s voice actor, Sam Riegel, with each time we hear him speak). There are some more shots of the Baker mansion, a creature that the fanbase has been going back and fourth on being either a shot of the previously seen Molded, or, brief glimpse of an all-new creature, and more. Check it out.

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