New Greenlight Campaign Started for Virtual Reality Game “Danger”


Indie developer Wytek is releasing their attempt at a virtual reality first-person horror game titled Danger. They have launched a Steam Greenlight campaign hoping to find a marketplace on Valve’s store in 2015. Danger will offer support for the Oculus Rift.

The trailer tries to up the tension with the frantic running and searching of the protagonist, but the choppy framerate and over-the-top and repetitive breathing takes away from it – if that’s in the actual finished product, it could get really old really fast. Intricate details are sparse as Wytek has yet to release much information about the game, but what we do know is that it doesn’t seem to stray far from the cookie-cutter mold for horror games, taking place in a mental hospital named Ocean, we will play as a detective investigating a series of murders, although aside from the boarded-up doorways and blood-smeared halls, there’s no sign of any immediate trouble…save some thumping and a door opening. *gasp*

Danger will be released sometime in 2015 on PC with no information as yet if it will come to consoles as well. Stay tuned for further updates about this title.

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