New Friday the 13th: The Game Footage Details How Spawning Works

It’s nice to have such a steady drip of information from the upcoming Friday the 13th video game, especially with the final product still so far away. This latest video gives us a run-down of how we can expect a typical match of Friday the 13th to start.

Hosted by ex-X-play (heh) host Adam Sessler, we’re shown the game’s map, along with the spawning locations for several of the “camp counselor” players, trying to find refuge, weapons, anything that can help prepare them for the undead juggernaut heading their way. The spawning locations are indicative of what’s usually going on in the movies around this time- some are together in the cabin, presumably telling stories and singing songs, two are off in the darkness of the Crystal Lake woods getting some hanky-panky on, and it even looks like someone might be taking a dip in the lake itself- but the timer for getting ready will eventually run out, and with a shrill scream to mark his entrance: Jason emerges from the lake ready for his annual teen liquidation ceremony.

Along with more info on the game’s official KickStarter page, there’s also a few pieces of concept art showing some of the camp counselors, who all look very 80’s. It’s delightful.



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