Climax Studio’s Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun is a game that truly makes me sad. Having read about the game some months, maybe even years ago, I learned of a game that was to succeed the 2003 Legacy of Kain: Defiance. The LoK series hasn’t seen a singleplayer entry in over a decade, and with Dead Sun‘s cancellation several years ago, I’m not sure when we will.
Sharing some similarities with Nosgoth (and reportedly to have been the singleplayer portion of a larger package, which included elements that eventually became Nosgoth), Dead Sun was to take place many years after the events of Raziel and Kane’s conflict, with human and vampire factions battling it out. This new footage allegedly comes from a source close to the project, and it reveals that the game was pretty far along before it was cancelled by Square Enix in 2012. Sporting voice acting, a competent combat system, and fairly complete looking mechanics, Dead Sun is a title that’s worth mourning over.
The NeoGaf thread in which the 30 minutes of footage of Dead Sun was posted includes links and material that talks about the game’s development, lore, and cancellation. If you’re a Legacy of Kain fan, you’re probably in for some heartache.
Maybe this leak will draw enough interest from the gaming community that Square Enix will reconsider the cancellation? Undead things aren’t unknown to this series after all, and if it worked for the Deadpool film, I’ll hold out hope that this sort of thing works in games as well. Heck, the game looks pretty similar to Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor and that game did pretty well.
