New Beyond: Two Souls trailer highlights gameplay over cutscenes

Quantic Dream’s latest effort Beyond: Two Souls has been a game subject to much scrutiny, probably due the wild and often unintentionally humorous comments by the game’s director David Cage. Regardless of how you actually feel about David Cage or his past projects like Heavy Rain, most people can’t help but be even just a little intrigued by what they’ve shown of Beyond: Two Souls. We’ve heard a lot about the story and the star studded cast, but what we haven’t seen much of is the actual gameplay. Thankfully a new video highlighting the actual playable segments has just been made available.

The footage shows Jodie(the games protagonist) escaping from some sort of laboratory environment, every so often seeking assistance from the spiritual entity linked to her. It’s hard to actually tell what’s gameplay and what’s a cutscene from the video, which means it’s either seamless presentation or it’s a very guided experience. Either way the game looks pretty interesting, I only hope Mr. Cage can actually deliver on the emotional experience he’s promising.


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