New Back 4 Blood Gameplay Footage Drops

Back 4 Blood logo with zombies behind it.

Many will have already heard the news that the upcoming Left 4 Dead-style zombie shoot-em-up Back 4 Blood has been delayed until later on in the year, but that doesn’t mean new things aren’t still being announced for it. At this year’s Future Games Show, some additional gameplay footage of the co-op title was unveiled.

The video states that the footage is from the alpha stage of development, but the visuals show that it’s already looking pretty darn sweet. In the video viewers are treated to oodles of gunfire, gore and zombies being blown to pieces, along with some developer commentary. The video also shows off the Ogre creature, a massive enemy that bursts through the floor and which, according to Lianne Papp, executive producer at Turtle Rock Studios, players will have to decide whether to take on or not.

Watching the footage will likely remind a lot of people of the glory days of Left 4 Dead and its equally successful sequel, Left 4 Dead 2. That’s not surprising given that Turtle Rock Studios is made up of developers who worked on the L4D games, so there are some striking (though not unwelcome) similarities between the two franchises.

According to the developer’s Twitter account, Back 4 Blood had to be pushed back to October 12th 2021 as the, “team needs more time,” to make the game as good as they can. It was originally scheduled for release on June 18th, so the delay will be a bit of a bummer to some. However, some may argue that an October release is more suitable for a horror/zombie game anyway. Plus, Turtle Rock Studios said there will still be an open beta coming this summer, so we’ll keep you posted on that.

You can check out the Back 4 Blood gameplay/developer commentary video from the Future Games Show below.

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