New Agony Demon Trailers are Metal AF (Also NSFW)

The horror romp through hell, Agony, has had two trailers released today focused on its denizens: the demons. Oh boy, is Agony developer MadMind Studio going all out to make this game gross AF, hellish AF, and metal AF. Honestly, I’m constantly surprised by how striking the imagery is in this game. I’ve yet to be unimpressed by the visual feats MadMind has accomplished in designing their rendition of hell.

Out of the two trailers, one of them is a short gameplay demo of the player character possessing one of the stronger demons in hell. He’s powerful and kind of mean. No decency in hell, I guess. This gives you just a small glimpse at the multiplayer gameplay styles Agony employs.

Agony is due for release on PC, PS4, and Xbox One in Q2 2017. Here’s hoping it’s in our hands soon in one form or another.

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