Nazis Finally Get a Hero In New Wolfenstein Trailer

Awww, you guys. You finally did it! Bethesda heard your cries, and have finally made a Wolfenstein II trailer that doesn’t show Nazis as the bad guys. In their latest offering, people who weren’t going to play the game anyway can soothe their burning bottoms with a sixties-style cartoon. Blazing brass instruments play in the background as lightning-charged superhero Blitzmensch beats back such unconscionable foes as Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty. Truly, it is a sight to behold. A reimagining. A real contender for short of the year.

For the rest of us, this is the hilarious gaming equivalent of the KFC Double Down. Everything here is for the fans. and it is as unapologetic as marketing can get. Following up the rampage of a ‘hero’ against human rights and democracy, we get Blazkowicz coming for the kill. This is no world for Nazis, if he has anything to say- and it turns out he has a lot to say.

This is just one more reason to be mildly in love with the marketing for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, and the team‘s absolute refusal to back down in the face of actual self-proclaimed Nazis getting butthurt about it. I do not know what we did to deserve Bethesda, but we should probably treat them like the gift they are in an age no one could have really predicted. May the next two months bring many more trailers, and just as much sass.

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