Naughty Dog not planning a PS4 port of The Last of Us

The Last of Us has swept up a lot of attention as a PlayStation 3 exclusive, and in many cases seems to have sold players on the idea of owning the system in the first place- but if anyone was holding off on a higher-optimized version of the game to be ported to the up-and coming PlayStation 4, they’ll be disappointed.

When asked if they would be porting it at some point in the future, Naughty Dog community strategist Eric Monacelli simply replied “We have no plans to do that.” It might be a little soon, yes, but I do find it surprising, considering that the PlayStation 4 doesn’t support backwards compatibility (well, it does in a way, but it’s rather round-about and will require Sony to make the title available for streaming), and it’s not that uncommon for last-gen games to make the jump to next gen platforms later down the road. PlayStation 2 games have found a very nice home across several HD Collections on the PlayStation 3, and there’s lots of games that have been re-released on newer consoles just to expand the market, like the Resident Evil Archives collection on Wii.

Of course, this statement has no finality to it, and The Last of Us could very well find its way onto the PlayStation 4 at some point if there’s a good enough reason to port it, but for now, The Last of Us  looks to be staying in The Last Generation.


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