More info on both Alone in the Dark: Illumination and Haunted House: Cryptic Graves

Atari has released some new information at PAX Prime regarding their two franchise reboots, Alone in the Dark: Illumination and Haunted House: Cryptic Graves.

Remember back when the titles were revealed, I suggested that the developer Pure FPS gave an indication of what kind of game AiTD would be?  Well, it does.  The game will feature a cooperative multiplayer modes, and, as the title suggests, light will play a key part in the game play.  Check out the teaser trailer.

Alone in the Dark brings you to the abandoned town of Lorwich, Virginia.  Located near Virginia’s southern border, Lorwich was a flourishing industrial town with a bustling business generated by the local mines.  These prosperous days came to an end when a flood devastated the mining facility, leaving behind nothing but destruction in its wake.  The disaster forced an immediate evacuation, leaving the town desolate.  It has been years since the accident, and the town has long been forgotten.

But the cause of the accident is still a mystery, and years later, nobody dares step foot in the town for fear of what lies there.  There have been numerous reports of strange creatures and a dark, brooding fog within the town.  Some locals who believe in the supernatural say that there lurks an ever-present force known as The Darkness.  The Darkness can reveal itself in many ways, such as fog, apparitions, and creatures.  It has cast its spell over Lorwich, enveloping everything in its path.  It is up to you to defend the town by fighting back the Forces of Darkness.

Players will take control of characters such as The Hunter, a direct descendant of Edward Carnby; The Witch, the great-granddaughter of Emily Hartwood for those who are familiar with the series.  Characters can also take on the roles of The Priest and the Engineer, who do…pretty much what you’d expect them to do.

For those out there who are ready to turn up your nose at AiTDHaunted House: Cryptic Graves also has a teaser video.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t use my powers of deduction on the developer’s name to figure out what kind of game it would be.  Turns out, it’s a first-person puzzler.  There’s still no other information on Haunted House‘s webpage, which is a little bit worrisome, truth be told.

Both Alone in the Dark: Illumination and Haunted House: Cryptic Graves are due by the end of this year.  According to their website, Atari will have both of these games available for private demo at PAX Prime for PC.


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