More Bits of Hellblade’s Gameplay Surface

In an abstract preview released by the developers themselves after a footage leak, “new” footage of Ninja Theory’s Hellblade displays both some action gameplay and narrative beats. However, if you’ve already seen footage from the game in June, it’s a rough extension of what’s been revealed. And being in media res, if you’re looking for more plot, you’ll be disappointed or possibly more confused.

The game takes place through the eyes of main protagonist Senua’s psychosis as she deals with multiple voices overheard throughout the game and literal inner demons. Ninja Theory has explained that they want to explore mental illness in a sensitive way that’s central to the plot of the game. And like other psychological titles, it may be difficult to parse what events you experience in the game are actually occurring as shown.

Hellblade will be released in 2016 for Windows PC and the Playstation 4.

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