Metroid II: Return of Samus hitting 3DS’ eShop before the end of the year

Looks like, despite not having any new entries of the series on the platform, Metroid fans are still getting some lovin’ on the 3DS this year. Nintendo ‘Ambassadors’ will already be enjoying the original Metroid on their systems next month, with it being available to everyone else later on in the year, and now we have the NES classic’s sequel to look forward to.

Metroid II: Return of Samus, originally released on the Game Boy in 1992 (the only Metroid title to grace the handheld), will be making its way to the eShop by the end of the year. If you’ve been living under a Mother Brain-sized rock, then read on.

Return of Samus was the sequel to the original NES classic and it saw Samus Aran return to once again take on Metroids. This time, though, she was facing them in their own home planet of SR388 in an attempt to wipe them out of existence before the Space Pirates can get their claws on them. I don’t know about you, but I really hope the game hits the eShop sooner rather than later.


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