Metro: Last Light dev “People like complexity, and gamers aren’t stupid.”

How often has this happened to you?  You’ve been a fan of a certain series for a long time, relishing the days when you could get lost in a game for hours, figuring out complex puzzles, completing quests and just trying to make it through the game.  All of a sudden, sequel happens!

You’re super excited, only to get the game and find out it’s been streamlined.  Gone is the exploration element, all of the challenge of finding what you were looking for while trying to stay alive.  What replaces it are crappy action sequences filled to the brim with a bunch of QTEs.

THQ’s Head of Global Communications Huw Beynon is determined that Metro: Last Light will not face this “dumbing down,” no matter what happens in the mean time.

Benyon stated that while Metro: Last Light will be a touch more cinematic, the complex aspects that made Metro: 2033 great will not be lost.  The company feels that gamers are tired of having challenges all but removed from their favourite games.

People like complexity, and gamers aren’t stupid.  They don’t need to be held by the hand all the time…

A sentiment that many fans of classic survival horror could agree with.  Metro 2033 is fondly remembered for its obsession with equipment maintenance.  Last Light is set to be no different, requiring the player to manually wipe their characters’ visor clean, taking time to wind up torches, topping off gas masks with O2 and scavenging for damaged masks.

Metro isn’t your traditional shooter.  It’s more of a first-person action adventure with survival horror and exploration.  I think the most valid criticism of the first game was that our actual shooting experience wasn’t as satisfying as it could have been.  We really wanted to capture that sense of vulnerability.

Benyon went on to say that while the game might seem more like a Call of Duty style shooter, the roots of what made Metro 2033 so endearing have not been forgotten.

The full interview will be available in Issue 87 of OXM Magazine, available this June.  In the mean time, have a look at Metro: Last Light’s live action trailer.



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