For Silent Hill fans, these last few weeks have been rough.
With the departure of Kojima from Konami, P.T. was obviously in trouble. Del Toro confirmed our worst fear, and Norman Reedus expressed his disappointment as P.T. was declared dead. Our Silent Hills dream was a little too good to be true, and with that, Konami pulled the P.T. demo from the PlayStation Network.
The game has not only been removed from the shop, but from the network entirely. If you haven’t already downloaded the demo, then it seems you’ll never get another chance to. However, after all of this, we still have something to laugh about. Mega64 is here to ease the tension, and poke a little fun at the canned title.
If you have four minutes, check out the Mega64 crew’s struggle to sell a PlayStation 4 with P.T. installed on eBay. With the way Konami has acted, I won’t be surprised when they send Lisa to my house to wipe it from my system.