Man at Arms recreates Dante’s sword

Man at Arms

Man at Arms: Reforged is a show hosted on the “AWE me” YouTube channel that has blacksmiths and other craftsmen recreate iconic weapons from games, TV shows, and movies. In the past, the show has already tackled Michael Meyer’s bowie knife from Halloween and they did a special on anti-zombie weapons once, but this time they forged Rebellion, Dante’s sword from the Devil May Cry franchise.

While it’s not their most ridiculous achievement, that one probably goes to some of the Final Fantasy episodes, it’s still a very cool sword that easily cuts through the random items it’s tested against. Browsing through the comments, however, I do notice that some dedicated fans are unimpressed, while others are at least happy they didn’t make a replica of the version that appears in the reboot. I like it myself, but I am not the greatest fan of the series, so I am just basing my opinion on the fact that it’s a sword and swords are cool.

Do you like the replica or would you have preferred to see a different version of Rebellion?


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